Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Waltz

Dance, is perhaps the most celebrated form of art. Where music, painting, architecture, sculptures etc. are different manifestations of art, dance too is one of them. It is the path towards eternity. One can express almost all emotions through dance, be it love, jealousy, anger, affection or hatred. The journey itself is so beautiful that it leads to the meeting of one’s soul with God. Every gesture is a note of music hummed by the various parts of the body. Every swirl is like a huge wave raising its arms and embracing the waters. Every turn is like a whiff, a sudden breeze that causes eyes to blink. The tapping of toes scatters various colors in the ambience covering our eyes with hues. The amalgamation of gentle movements with bold expressions is a chant that leaves the spectator spellbound. Be it classical, folk, contemporary or freestyle, every form is inspired by the ancient teachings. The attire adds to the beauty of the show. Buns adorned with flowers capture the senses with their intensity. The application of kohl, henna  and paint elevates the ecstasy to undefined levels. The use of paddy grains to celebrate the harvest, wild leaves to please the gods and tribal accessories to mark their ceremonies hold special significance in respective cultures. Whats more is that it is not limited to any special community. Every individual can practise it at his/her own convenience. Not only a means of recreation but also a great stress buster, dance is a treat to the eyes and feast for the body and soul.