Dreams…often we say that we should follow our dreams or rather chase them, that dreams are not those we see while sleeping but those which don’t let us sleep.
But, agreeably, they mean differently to different people…one may strive whole life to achieve his dream but may not be actually happy after achieving it, because the time span required to accomplish the dream may be long enough to change its definition and relevance in one’s life.
A student walks into a university with A Handful Of Dreams.
In a span of time, he feels secure having made a place for himself, a niche of his own…where he can perform and out compete the rest. This breeds satisfaction, love and appreciation. The discovery of new ties and ties that would never last. He is so overwhelmed he hardly realizes he has left a part of his life behind. The life an ordinary man leads, the life of which one never dreams but just lives.
He is now at destiny’s call. He performs as demanded. There is no more a will, or a task he can choose or loves to perform. He has expectations to fulfill and he has standards to meet. He feels he is rushing but there is no time to stop. He feels he is being carried away but there is no way he can look back. The ties have changed their meaning, the ties that no more exist. He now reflects upon the ordinary life, pondering if it is really ordinary !
He now suffocates in the web he has created for himself. He wants to escape but is entangled in the mesh. His efforts are now mere traps that were laid by the ones who were left behind in the race. He wishes to stand out but is stuck amidst the rest.
But, he decides not to quit. He resolves to bear the heat and withstand it all the way. He silently trudges the path and comes back to his nest. The wings are now tired and it pains to flutter them. His ambitions are fulfilled but his desires are injured.
Days go by and so do months. He is no more at a receiving end, neither praise nor complains. He walks by when he comes across and so does the inner voice. But the season has changed and he doesn’t sense it. There is balm in the air and he is yet to receive it.
He once again comes back to the same place, the same people, who, are now loaded with warmth and the healing touch. There is embracement and unsaid reverence that makes him feel at ease. He is showered with blossoms, and is happy once again. The sense of accomplishment returns as he leaves and he is again ready to strive for A Handful Of Dreams…….!!
Keep aspiring and you will attain it !!
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